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Two Grains of Gold is a labor of love, formed by the integration of seemingly different passions.

Here, I bring to you my love of the cosmos, over 30 years of studying patterns - both in the sky and in financial charts through Vedic Jyotish (aka Indian astrology) and a 20 year career in the financial industry.

I couple this with my meditation practice and experience as a certified pure energy healing master, working with clients who seek healing and help infertility, anxiety, vertigo, trauma, and with families of palliative care clients on this very special cusp between realms.

The result for you, is an alchemical transformation of distilled droplets of actionable wisdom;

and this is - my ‘two grains of gold’ - a unique coaching and consultative experience,

one where you get back when you put in…..and then some!

Explore the magic of divine timing and give your ventures the best chance of success from inception to launch!

For the price of a college course, allow yourself the luxury of a series of 12 personalized coaching sessions. Custom-designed to wake you up to your unique passion and purpose and release any blocks and unproductive patterns from the past.

Learn to manage your money and budget YOUR way. Understand the unique code within your birth chart that hold the keys to unlock your treasure!

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

— C.G. Jung